Then perhaps God is calling you to live out the Gospel more deliberately as a member of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity. We are ordinary Christians living in ordinary homes, working ordinary jobs, and raising families. But, we try to do it all in an extraordinary way.
The Domestic Expression began informally as “associates” with those interested in my ministry and quickly developed into a formal expression of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity unto itself. These members profess the same evangelical counsels as the monastics but in a way appropriate to their state of life in the secular world. They go through the same process of discernment as the monastics via a postulancy, novitiate, and temporary profession before making a lifelong commitment to the community. As such, the homes and gatherings of brothers and sisters into weekly or monthly cell groups become beacons of hope and light—little “monasteries” in the secular world—through lives of prayer that attract others to a closer walk with Jesus and the Church. Some members gather into clusters where they live within proximity to each other and gather more frequently. We have also experienced some members called to dedicate their homes as intentional houses of prayer where a small chapel and guest rooms make a place for themselves and others to come away for a while and rest with Jesus.
We are glad you are here! Look around our webpage. As Jesus said, “Come and see.” But more importantly, make contact with us and follow through. We need brothers and sisters ready to give their lives in radical but not fanatical ways to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our often-unravelling Western culture. The time has come to shine the light and live the life of Christ. Our community is a tangible way to do that within the Church.
So, come and see. Come and join us!
John Michael Talbot, Founder