Hello, and greetings from the North Central (NC) Region within the Domestic Expression of the Brothers & Sisters of Charity!
Our region is comprised of 10 states in the upper Midwest portion of the USA, including North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.
Members in the NC Region are excited to be part of the mission and ministry of the Brothers & Sisters of Charity, and are blessed by the spirituality and way of life that we share in common. If you are interested in more information about the Domestic Expression, our Region, or the local cell groups that exist within the NC Region, please contact our Regional Minister or Vicar Minister using the contact info below.
Many blessings to you, in Christ!
The North Central Region currently has three active cell groups that regularly meet for prayer, discussion, and fellowship with one another. These groups are:
Holy Family Cell Group: Located in Westmont, IL, in the western suburbs of Chicago
Immaculate Conception Cell Group: Located in SW Michigan (meeting in Benton Harbor)
Holy Comforter Cell Group: A Digital Cell Group with members from throughout the region.
Even those who do not live in these particular areas can be active members of the BSC community, and enjoy regular contact with our members through phone and internet, as well as through attendance at yearly Gatherings of the community. Our General Gathering is held every year in October at Little Portion Hermitage, and a Regional Gathering is held each year in the Spring at different locations within our Region.
Group photo from a recent North Central Regional Gathering